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- PPShow 4.0 User Manual
- Feb 16, 1994
- Preface
- =======
- The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable, but are
- also copyright (c) Nico François. They may be freely distributed as long as
- no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the
- author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original
- unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you find
- any bugs, please let me know.
- Contacting the author:
- FidoNet: 2:292/603.10 (Nico Francois)
- Internet: nico@augfl.be
- Mail: Nico François
- Corbielaan 13
- B-3060 Bertem
- If you can please use e-mail. That way you'll stand a much better chance
- of getting a reply quickly.
- PPShow 4.0 requires AmigaDOS Release 2 (Kickstart & Workbench 2.0) or
- higher to run.
- 24-bit to HAM8/HAM6 rendering routines and IFF24 parsing and decoding
- written by Rafael D'Halleweyn.
- Chunky to planar routine based on a routine by Chris Green (who based his
- routine on one of Richard Addison).
- This software is based in part on the work of the Independant JPEG Group.
- Contents
- ========
- 1. An introduction
- 2. Usage
- 3. Features
- 4. Note on crunching
- 1. An introduction
- ==================
- PPShow was written to complement one of my other utilities, PowerPacker
- (a command and data cruncher). It is used to show normal IFF ILBM files or
- ILBM files crunched with PowerPacker. The decrunching is done automatically
- so the user doesn't have to know if a file is crunched or not. From version
- 3.0 PPShow will now also play standard Opcode 5 animations. The ANIM Opcode 5
- format is used by most ANIM generating programs, including DPaint IV.
- From version 4.0 on PPShow also plays ANIM Opcode 7 and ANIM Opcode 8
- animations. It will also show GIF, JPEG and IFF24 bit pictures. If your
- Amiga doesn't have the color capability to display a GIF (ECS machines) PPShow
- will show the GIF in 16 grayscales. JPEGs and IFF24 pictures will be shown in
- HAM8 or in HAM6 (if your Amiga doesn't support HAM8).
- PPShow uses 'powerpacker.library' and 'reqtools.library', so make sure
- these are present in your Libs: directory. Double-click 'Install_libs' for
- an automatic installation.
- 2. Usage
- ========
- PPShow can be used in several different ways.
- - First of all via the CLI:
- If you enter 'PPShow ?' you will get a standard AmigaDOS usage template,
- enter 'PPShow ??' for more information. You use PPShow like this:
- PPShow {<file>|<dir>|-c} [ALL] [LO] [HI] [SHI] [PROD] [L=LACE]
- [A2024 [15Hz]] [PAL] [NTSC] [VGA] [SUPER72] [LOOP] [NOFLICKER]
- The program will by default load the specified ILBM file or ANIM file and
- display/play it. If the file was crunched using PowerPacker 2.0 or higher
- PPShow will first decrunch it for you. If the file was encrypted you will be
- prompted for the password. You may specify more than one file on the command
- line and you may even use wildcards, PPShow will show all files one at a time,
- double buffering the display.
- If you specify "-c" as a filename ('PPShow -c') PPShow will show you the
- contents of the clipboard (if it contains an ILBM). ANIM files will not be
- played from the clipboard.
- If you enter PPShow without options, you will be presented with a
- file requester. Entering PPShow with a directory instead of a file as an
- argument will also get you a requester, but it will be positioned in the
- directory you specified.
- There are several command line options:
- ALL : Enter subdirectories, show all pictures/animations.
- LO : Force screen to open in LORES mode.
- HI : '' '' '' '' HIRES ''
- SHI : '' '' '' '' SUPERHIRES ''
- PROD : '' '' '' '' PRODUCTIVITY ''
- LACE : Force interlace on.
- NOLACE : Force interlace off.
- HAM : This switch is used to select HAM mode when no CAMG chunk
- is found. If you don't specify this switch PPShow will
- assume a 6 plane screen is extra-halfbrite. Note that this
- switch does not force HAM mode, it merely instruct PPShow
- to use HAM mode in case of doubt.
- TIME s : Display pictures for 's' seconds.
- CYCLE : Start cycling automatically.
- NOOVERSCAN : Disable overscan.
- NOMOUSE : No mouse pointer.
- LOOP : Display all pictures in a loop, press CTRL-D to abort.
- PAL : Use 'pal.monitor'.
- NTSC : Use 'ntsc.monitor'.
- VGA : Use 'multiscan.monitor'. Please note that when using VGA,
- LO puts the screen in EXTRALORES, HI in LORES and SHI in
- SUPER72 : Use 'Super72.monitor'.
- A2024 : Use 'a2024.monitor'.
- 15Hz : Put A2024 monitor into 15Hz, rather than 10Hz.
- NOFLICKER : Kickstart 3.0 only. If possible use a non-interlaced
- monitor mode ('DoublePAL.monitor' or 'DoubleNTSC.monitor').
- MAXOSCAN : Use VIDEO_OSCAN instead of MAX_OSCAN. Video overscan
- offers the maximum possible overscan, but is not as system
- friendly.
- JIFFIES n : Set a delay between frames in jiffies. A jiffie is 1/50s
- (PAL) or 1/60s (NTSC). During animation playback you may
- press F1 to F10 to control animation playback speed. Press
- Return to use the default speed.
- TIMES n : Set number of times to play the animation.
- REPEAT : Select repeat mode instead of loop mode (see below).
- NOANIM : Don't play animations, just display the first frame.
- DATATYPES : Always use datatypes.
- The difference between loop mode and repeat mode is the following: in
- loop mode PPShow expects the last two frames of the animation to be the same
- as the first two frames, this makes looping easy and above all fast (DPaint
- saves animations like this). Some animations are not like this however and
- if you want these to loop correctly you must select repeat mode (REPEAT),
- PPShow will then simply restart the animation when it finishes (note that
- there may be a small hickup when the animation repeats because the first frame
- takes longer to draw than the rest).
- PPShow can be made resident so it doesn't have to be loaded every time
- you use it, use the c: Resident command for this. You can't make PPShow
- resident when it is crunched!! The file is supplied as an uncrunched command
- file with the pure bit set. PPShow is reentrant as well, so you can run it
- from several CLI's at the same time. (Not that this is very useful, but it's
- possible :-)
- Examples:
- o PPShow dh0:pics/HAMpicWithoutCAMG.pic HAM
- o PPShow dir/#?.pic TIME 5 LOOP
- Show all files in directory 'dir' with a '.pic' suffix for 5 seconds
- and loop until user presses CTRL-D.
- o PPShow PICS:~(#?.info) NOOVERSCAN
- Show all files on 'PICS:' NOT ending in '.info'. Disable overscan.
- - Via the WorkBench:
- There are three different ways of using PPShow via the workbench: you
- can set the default tool of the (crunched) ILBM/ANIM file to 'PPShow', you
- can single click the PPShow icon and then extend-select one or more icons
- (use shift click, double-clicking the last one) or you can double-click the
- PPShow icon and specify a filename using the file requester.
- You set the default tool by single clicking the icon of the picture and
- selecting 'Information' from the 'Icons' menu. You will get a window with
- several gadgets in it, click in the string gadget where it says 'Default tool'
- and enter ':ppshow'. PPShow should be in the root directory of your disk for
- this to work, if e.g. it's in the system directory you should enter
- ':system/ppshow'. Last of all select the 'Save' gadget.
- Following tooltypes are recognized by PPShow (in the pictures' icon, not
- PPShow's icon):
- HAM : See CLI option.
- TIME=s : Display picture for 's' seconds.
- CYCLE : Start cycling automatically.
- NOOVERSCAN : Disable overscan.
- NOMOUSE : No mouse pointer.
- LORES : Force screen to open in LORES mode.
- HIRES : '' '' '' '' HIRES ''
- SUPERHIRES : '' '' '' '' SUPERHIRES ''
- PROD : '' '' '' '' PRODUCTIVITY ''
- LACE : Force interlace on.
- NOLACE : Force interlace off.
- PAL : Use 'pal.monitor'.
- NTSC : Use 'ntsc.monitor'.
- VGA : Use 'multiscan.monitor'. Please note that when using VGA,
- LO puts the screen in EXTRALORES, HI in LORES and SHI in
- SUPER72 : Use 'Super72.monitor'.
- NOFLICKER : Kickstart 3.0 only. If possible use a non-interlaced
- monitor mode.
- MAXOSCAN : Use VIDEO_OSCAN instead of MAX_OSCAN. Video overscan
- offers the maximum possible overscan, but is not as system
- friendly.
- JIFFIES=n : Set a delay between frames in jiffies. A jiffie is 1/50s
- (PAL) or 1/60s (NTSC). During animation playback you may
- press F1 to F10 to control animation playback speed. Press
- Return to use the default speed.
- TIMES=n : Set number of times to play the animation.
- REPEAT : Select repeat mode instead of loop mode (see below).
- NOTE: - Follow these steps to make a simple slideshow that runs by double-
- clicking an icon: Make a script file containing something like the
- following line: 'PPShow #?.pic TIME 10 LOOP'. Set this script's
- default tool to 'c:IconX' and enter 'WINDOW=CON://///AUTO' in its
- tooltypes. Put the script in a directory containing pictures (all
- ending in '.pic'!). If you now double-click this scripts icon the
- slideshow will start, press ESC or CTRL-D to end.
- - PPShow will add '.pp' to the filename when the file wasn't found.
- This is very useful in the Workbench enviroment: you can make an
- icon for 'house.pic' but name the file 'house.pic.pp'. Now the
- WorkBench will show an icon with 'house.pic' as name, but if you
- doubleclick it 'house.pic.pp' will be displayed. (As long as there
- is no 'house.pic' file in the directory!)
- - Drag as many monitor icons to the WbStartup or Monitors drawer as
- your monitor allows. For example: if you have a multiscan monitor
- drag pal, ntsc and multiscan.monitor to your Monitors drawer. If
- you do this you will have maximum ease of use of PPShow.
- 3. Features
- ===========
- - PPShow fully supports the 16.8 million colors and HAM8 mode of the AGA
- (AA) chip set of the Amiga 4000 and Amiga 1200.
- - Uses asynchronous I/O for very fast viewing, even from floppy or CD-ROM.
- - Abort PPShow by pressing 'Q', CTRL-C or the right mouse button. Press
- CTRL-D to abort everything and to break a script.
- - PPShow offers full overscan and monitor support: PAL, NTSC, VGA,
- SUPER72 and A2024.
- - Big pictures are opened on an autoscroll screen. Simply run the mouse
- pointer off the edge of the screen to scroll around.
- - PPShow can be used as a simple slideshow tool. It supports wildcards
- and an ALL switch to simplify this.
- - Deluxe Paint color cycling is supported, press <TAB> to (de)activate.
- Up to 8 cycles are supported.
- - Press 'M' to toggle the mouse pointer on/off.
- - Plays ANIM Opcode 5, Opcode 7 and Opcode 8 animations.
- - Supports a change of the color palette during the animation. Special
- care has been taken to eliminate color-flashing as seen in many other
- animation players (including the now obsolete PPAnim :-).
- - Press 'S' or the left mouse button to start/stop the animation. Press
- 'N' to advance a frame (when stopped).
- - Reads the 'DPAN' IFF chunk DPaint saves with animations to find the
- rate at which to play the animation. Note that user options override
- this rate (JIFFIES=n).
- - Supports datatypes (Workbench 3.0 or higher).
- 4. Note on crunching
- ====================
- A lot of IFF ILBM files are already crunched with the standard ByteRun1
- compression. PowerPacker will crunch these files even further (most of the
- time) but will not crunch them as well as uncrunched ILBM files. So save IFF
- files uncrunched (if you can, e.g. with PixMate) before crunching them, this
- way you will get the best crunching results.
- As always, I hope you find this program useful!
- *****************************************************************************
- First release.
- *****************************************************************************
- Decrunching is about 40% faster (accidently used slow decruncher in 1.0)
- Screen now pops to front when picture is ready to be viewed, not before.
- File requester used when arp.library is available.
- 'L' command added to load other pictures without restarting PPShow.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 1.1a
- The Guru isn't with me lately, after using a slow decruncher in 1.0
- by accident I now used a fast but faulty decruncher in 1.1. It
- sometimes didn't decrunch correctly, this has now been fixed. The
- decruncher is still 40% faster than the 1.0 one. (and it's 2 bytes
- shorter :^D )
- *****************************************************************************
- Rewrote cycling routine in assembly, so less overhead when cycling.
- Uses the all new powerpacker.library => shorter code.
- Starting PPShow from the CLI with a directory as an argument now puts
- up the requester positioned in that directory. Extremely useful once
- you get used to this :^)
- If you are running Workbench 2.0 PPShow will use the asl.library
- instead of the arp.library (for the file requester).
- Fixed serious bug: memory wasn't freed when an IFF error occured.
- No longer tries to display small brushes (intuition doesn't like very
- small screens :( )
- *****************************************************************************
- PPShow requires Kickstart 2.0 to run. Sorry to all the 1.2 and 1.3
- users, just consider this program as another reason to upgrade :-)
- File requester from arp.library is no longer supported.
- PPShow now uses reqtools.library (also by moi) for its requesters.
- Among other things this means a much better file requester than
- before (with a buffer). Asl is no longer used, sorry Commodore :-)
- Printing of screen removed, has anybody ever used this ? :-)
- Improved command line format, follows AmigaDOS standard. (old option
- '-h' is no longer supported!).
- IFF decrunching rewritten in assembly: much faster and shorter.
- Shows pictures saved in DPaint with stencil on. In other words: supports
- IFF picture masking.
- No longer quits when you press any key, you have to press 'Q', CTRL-C,
- or right mouse button; CTRL-D aborts PPShow and breaks scripts.
- Color cycling is now automatically switched on (except for brushes).
- Mouse pointer visibility can be toggled.
- Possibility to automatically stop displaying after a specified number
- of seconds.
- Many new command line options: change display resolution, switch off
- overscan, disable auto-cycling, etc.
- Several options may be set using Workbench tooltypes.
- From Workbench, if you single-click PPShow and shift double-click a
- drawer icon, PPShow will open up the file requester in that drawer.
- If you use 'PPShow <file>' or extend-select <file> from Workbench and
- you invoke the file requester, it will be positioned in the directory
- <file> is in.
- The file requester will appear on the picture screen if possible.
- Canceling the file requester no longer quits PPShow.
- The file requester will filter out the .info files.
- Can be used as a simple slideshow program: supports wildcards and
- multiple files on command line, also possible to loop the slideshow.
- Picture switching is double buffered. Multiple extended selection
- from Workbench is also supported.
- Overscan now done using Kickstart 2.0 display clips.
- Supports all new ECS display modes (ECS Denise only) and all monitors.
- Will switch to PAL or NTSC monitor automatically (ECS Agnus only).
- PPShow will now show very large screens without problem, AUTOSCROLL is
- switched on so the screen automatically scrolls when you move the
- mouse pointer off the edge.
- Screen no longer has an invisible dragbar. Use meta-dragging (left
- Amiga key + mouse) to drag the screen.
- Directories are expanded to their full pathnames on startup.
- PPShow now returns a returncode of 20 in case of an error or if ended
- by CTRL-D.
- Error reporting improved: when started from CLI, errors are printed
- on the console; when started from Workbench, a requester is used.
- All these great new features and PPShow grew only about 1K in size :-)
- Release 12-Jan-92
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Now distributed with release 1.0c of reqtools.library.
- Install script fixed.
- *****************************************************************************
- Uses Workbench 2.0's iffparse.library for best IFF support.
- Displays SHAM (Sliced HAM), DHAM (Dynamic HAM) and DRES (Dynamic Hires,
- DigiView 4.0 and MacroPaint) files.
- Executes TurboGIF (by Steve Borden) or any other GIF viewer (set by var
- ENV:GIFVIEWER) if it encounters a GIF file.
- Will hunt for ILBM pictures in all IFF files. E.g. shows first picture
- of animation files.
- Is able to show the contents of the clipboard (if filename is "-c").
- Allows you to scroll big pictures by holding down the left mouse button
- and dragging. This also works for SHAM, DHAM and DRES pictures.
- PPShow will update the copper list these pictures require while
- scrolling.
- PPShow will no longer abort upon encountering a file that is not IFF, or
- not IFF ILBM. It will try to show the next file in the wildcard/list.
- When using a wildcard directories will be ignored, instead of bringing
- up the file requester.
- *****************************************************************************
- Version number skipped because of a fake 2.2 version of PPShow.
- *****************************************************************************
- Support added for Kickstart 3.0 and the new graphics modes of the AGA
- chip set. PPShow fully supports palettes of up to 16.8 milion colors
- and the HAM8 mode. Color cycling in 16.8 million colors is not yet
- supported.
- On Kickstart 3.0 and pictures with enough colors PPShow will pick four
- colors for the GUI (file requester). If not enough colors are
- available or on Kickstart 2.0 the palette will be temporarily reset
- when needed.
- Maximum overscan used is now OSCAN_MAX instead of OSCAN_VIDEO. This is
- much more system friendly.
- New switch added for Kickstart 3.0 users: NOFLICKER. Will try to use a
- non-interlaced display mode to show the picture (DBLPAL or DBLNTSC).
- Release 2.0c of reqtools.library included.
- *****************************************************************************
- MAJOR NEW FEATURE: PPShow now plays ANIM Opcode 5 animations.
- o Supports all Amiga screen modes (including the new AGA ones).
- o Supports a change of the palette during the animation.
- o Animates in an Intuition screen (draggable).
- o 'S' or the left mouse button starts/stops the animation, 'N'
- advances a frame (when stopped).
- o Supports the 'DPAN' IFF chunk DPaintIV saves with animations to
- find the animation playback rate.
- o Allows for an optional playback delay in jiffies (JIFFIES switch).
- During animation playback pressing F1 to F10 changes the playback
- speed. Pressing Return will use the default playback speed.
- o Supports looping and repeating anims (REPEAT switch).
- o TIMES switch to set number of times animation should be played back.
- o Animation is played back on a standard Intuition screen.
- New MAXOSCAN switch to select VIDEO_OSCAN overscan. Useful to get the
- maximum overscan out of DoublePAL and DoubleNTSC.
- NTSC and VGA tooltypes, was well as the new MAXOSCAN, REPEAT, TIMES
- and JIFFIES tooltypes.
- Fixed bug: pressing Right Mouse Button when PPShow was used with LOOP
- and TIME keywords no longer allowed you to end PPShow by pressing
- Esc. Fixed.
- Release 2.1a of reqtools.library included.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 3.0a
- Several causes of memory loss found and fixed. All of these popped up
- when using PPShow to display/play several pictures/animations in a row
- with or without the LOOP switch.
- Decrunch color changed to DECR_NONE. No more flashing pictures when you
- use PPShow as a slideshow program :-)
- Standard wait pointer (system wait pointer on 3.0) is set when loading
- the next picture/animation.
- Bug fix: it was not possible to stop PPShow when you used LOOP switch
- on non-iff files.
- *****************************************************************************
- PPShow now supports ANIM Opcode 7 and Opcode 8 anims. These are _MUCH_
- faster animation formats than ANIM Opcode 5, especially the longword
- versions. PPShow does _not_ (yet) support ANIM 7 or ANIM 8 files
- without a BODY chunk in the first frame.
- Uses asynchronous I/O to read non-powerpacked files. Much faster!
- Supports datatypes (if available), use the new DATATYPES switch to force
- datatypes use.
- PPShow will now also show IFF 24-bit pictures, GIFs and JPEGs. Thanks
- to Rafael D'Halleweyn for writing the IFF24 parsing/decoding and
- 24bit to HAM rendering routines.
- If the file requester is used PPShow will keep going back to it until
- it is canceled.
- File requester will now open with a size about equal to the full height
- of the screen it appears on.
- Multi-selection in now possible in the file requester.
- Greatly improved animation playback memory requirements. No longer
- loads pictures or animations in one contiguous memory block. If the
- picture or animation is not crunched with PowerPacker the file will be
- loaded in smaller segments and memory will be allocated when needed.
- No longer supports GIFVIEWER environment variable (removed because of
- builtin GIF and datatypes support).
- Removed 'l' shortcut to load a new picture/animation.
- Removed SHAM, DHAM and DRES support. Added PCHG (Palette CHanGe)
- support for *true* "multi-palette" pictures.
- Mouse is no longer blanked by default. Press 'm' to blank the mouse or
- use the new NOMOUSE switch.
- New SUPER72 command line option and tooltype to force PPShow to use the
- Super72 monitor (Workbench 2.1/3.0 and up only).
- Replaced NOCYCLE switch with CYCLE switch (which does exactly the
- opposite :-)
- Bug fix: ILBM pictures with a mask (stencil) did not load properly.
- Bug fix: JIFFIES 0 was not the fastest playback speed possible.
- Fixed bug in animation routine causing some animations to show rubbish
- during playback.
- Release 1.6 (36.10) of powerpacker.library included.
- Release 2.2a (38.1210) of reqtools.library included.
- *****************************************************************************
- PPShow 4.0 written by Nico François (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
- 24-bit to HAM8/HAM6 routines and IFF24 parsing and decoding
- by Rafael D'Halleweyn,
- thanks to Ives Aerts, Peter Stuer, Roger Nordin and Magnus
- Holmgren for all the suggestions and beta-testing.
- "Sometimes people can be oh so dense" - The Pixies
- (c) 1991-1994 Nico François
- //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever!